
Monday, April 7, 2014

Direct from the Author: Interview with Susan Middleton Elya

If you are not familiar with her books, it is time for you to get to know Susan Middleton Elya, author of over 26 different bilingual children's books including Say Hola to Spanish and Rubia and the Three Osos. Her books are perfect for an early elementary classroom, especially FLES. I got the opportunity to ask Susan several questions about her books. 

How did you decide to become an children’s book writer?
I have been writing since I was seven. It was an escape from an overcrowded household of seven people. I would sit in the stairwell and think. Then I wrote poems and little songs about  going to the drugstore for candy. It was a penny apiece back then, a nickel for a candy bar.

Where do you get inspiration for your books?
I got inspiration for my books from my three children when they were little. My very first book, Say Hola to Spanish was written for my oldest, Carolyn. She asked me to teach her Spanish. I didn’t know how to teach one person since I was used to teach a classroom full, so I wrote couplets in rhyme and stuck them in a drawer. When I had enough to make a book, I strung them together as though I was talking to the reader. Once I got the title, I was ready to send it out. I’d been sending out stories for six years, but none of them sold. Say Hola was my first sale.
Why did you decide to make your books bilingual?
I didn’t decide. It sort of just happened, since Carolyn asked me to teach her Spanish. My mother had suggested it too, and my response was, “Oh, Mom!”

Do you have any other books coming out?  
Little Roja Riding Hood comes out from Putnam on April 10th

Do you have any tips for teachers using your books in their classroom?
I have some games and crossword puzzles at The books have glossaries in the back or sometimes the front, which is always a good place to start when teaching a language.