
Friday, June 7, 2013

Teaching Meals in Spanish ¡Mmmm delicioso!

I finished the year with meal vocabulary and phrases. Here are three different games I had students play that scaffold so that the students can eventually say the food they like to eat for a certain meal.

Game 1: ¿Lobo lobo dónde estás?
I started the unit by just teaching the three meals of the day in Spanish. Each meal had a movement associated with the order in which you eat it (breakfast 1st, etc.)
Take 1 finger and pretend you are dipping it into a cupcake and put to your mouth

Take 2 fingers and rub your stomach in a circle

Take 3 fingers and pretend they are a fork sticking into food then in your mouth

To practice this game I had students circle up with a mystery folder in the middle of the circle. The mystery folder had the following pictures (cut up) inside. The person in the middle would be the 'wolf.' I started off the game being the 'lobo.' Students then would chant "¿Lobo lobo dónde estás?" The lobo then picks a card out of the folder and reads it (usually just saying the meal word since that is all we have learned so far, however I have added the chunk "estoy comiendo.") If the card says "estoy comiendo ______" the rest of the classmates repeat the meal word with the corresponding movement. If the card says "tengo hambre..." then the lobo runs and chases the rest of the students until they catch someone. The person the lobo catches then becomes the new lobo. Here are the cards I created:
Game 2: Tic Tac Toe
Then I taught them the two phrases "Me gusta comer _______" and "No, me gusta comer______" where they would put one of those meal words in the blank. To practice this phrase students played tic tac toe. Of course my version of the game has pictures of each of the meal words on the spaces. When a student marks either an 'X' or an 'O' they have to say either of the above phrases with the meal word that corresponds to the space they are marking. Here is the tic tac toe board I created.

Print this picture and put into a sheet protector to turn into a white board game
Game 3: White Board Game
The last step to build up to playing this game is to teach add the following "Me gusta comer _______(food word) para ___________ (meal word.)"

I created a visual list of food words for students to look at and substitute in the blanks when speaking. This is definitely an activity that requires some reading ability, so it will not be appropriate for Pre K and K.

Here is a game that practices that last phrase. I adapted a game I previously wrote about to fit this theme.

To play the game you need 2 dry erase markers, a die, and sheet protector. I decided to create a picture of a plate with different meal words. Be sure to use pictures that you can color in. Then I assigned 6 different food words to each number on the die (1=pollo, 2=maiz, etc.) Students pair up and take turns rolling the die. When the first student rolls they look number's corresponding food word. They then color in that face part with the dry erase marker and mark the first letter of their name next to the face part in the legend. Then the next student rolls again. If the second student rolls the same part as the first student, then that second student loses their turn. To make this game adaptable to younger grades, change the words to pictures. 
Print this picture and put into a sheet protector to turn into a white board game